Sunday, March 31, 2013

Finger Lakes Community College

While I attended Finger Lakes Community College for only two semesters (Fall 2011- Spring 2012) to get my AS in Environmental Science, I was able to learn so much and participate in so many great activities. I was able to camp and hike in the Adirondack Mountains. I participated in many activities with The Wildlife Society Club. I got to go to the Muller Field Station and East Hill Campus many times for different activities. I thought I would share some pictures of my time at FLCC.
Screech Owl box I built @ East Hill Campus
Canada Goose at Muller Field Station
Ampersand Mountain ADK with professor Bruce Gilman 
Tracking workshop @ Muller Field Station
Tree Swallow @ Montezuma NWR
Trail Building in Naples
Bald Eagle nest @ Montezuma NWR
Saw Whet Owl
Volunteering @ Montezuma NWR
Muller Field Station
Board walk building at Cumming's Nature Center
Wildlife Society party at East Hill Campus
S-212 Class

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's a wrap at Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR

MS Sandhill Cranes
So my time at Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR was short but interesting. I enjoyed working with everyone at MSC and at Southeast Louisiana Refuge Complex. I worked with a great bunch of people and I was able to learn so much. My supervisor was great and when I got an opportunity to work with USGS doing Greater Sage-grouse research she was very happy for me and I was able to leave the MSC position early on good terms. I am very grateful for all of the opportunities that I had while at MSC and I wanted to share theses last two pictures of my time at MSC.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Mardis Gras parade in Ocean Springs MS

Temporary FWS tattoo 
 On January 26, 2013 I was able to participate in the Ocean Springs, MS Mardi Gras parade with a group of people from Mississippi Sandhill Crane NWR.  Our float was a truck and trailer decorated with banners and MS crane decoys and loaded down with beads and many other interesting things that we got to throw to the crowd. It was a very interesting day, the crowd was very into catching everything we were throwing, I tried to throw to the kids, but there were adults that would grab stuff before the kids could get it, it was crazy! We were throwing out reusable bag that people wanted so bad they would grab them from us before we could throw them and a lot of people thought they were t-shirts or beer cozies. Overall it was a very fun and enlightening day!